
Crack Possession Charges in Long Island

Have you been charged with a crime involving crack? The courts in our area are tough on suspects who are accused of possessionmanufacturing or distribution of this drug, and unless you take action now to defend yourself, you could receive a harsh sentence. Crack carries a major social stigma, and prosecutors in Long Island do not want to be perceived as going soft on offenders. You need a dedicated advocate on your side who will fight for your rights and support you at this difficult time. Call or visit us at The Law Offices of Nancy L. Bartling, PLLC, LLC as soon as possible for a confidential consultation and to discuss your legal options.

If you retain an AV® rated Long Island drug crime lawyer from our firm as soon as you learn that you are under investigation, we may be able resolve the situation before charges are pressed. In some cases the best strategy is to negotiate with the District Attorney for a reduced sentence, but we pursue a dismissal of the charges or an exoneration wherever possible. The most important thing for you to do right now is to avoid discussing the charges with anyone but an attorney from our firm, as anything you say to investigators could add to the evidence against you.

Arrested for selling or distributing crack?

Crack is a concentrated and extremely addictive form of cocaine, and is typically smoked to produce a sensation of euphoria. The Department of Justice reports that cocaine is commonly converted to crack in our region before its distribution, for the reason that the federal sentence for transportation of the drug in its powder form is less severe than for crack. It became widespread during the mid-1980's in the inner city, but has since become common in other areas. Crack is associated with violent crime, both on the part of users who are under the influence and those who are trying to obtain more of the drug during the severe withdrawals following a high. The penalty for possession can be severe, but will be increased if you are charged withpossession with intent to distribute or sales. Your future may be at stake, and you cannot afford to take any chances with the outcome of this situation.