Drug Sales

Drug Dealing Charges in Long Island

Our firm is committed to defending individuals who have been charged with any type of drug crime, and if you have been arrested for drug sales, we urge you to contact us today for help. The team at The Law Offices of Nancy L. Bartling, PLLC, LLC consists of former prosecutors, and we have extensive experience with the tactics that will likely be used against you. An AV® rated Long Island drug crime lawyer from our team will study every aspect of the evidence against you to find the most effective strategy for defending your rights, putting our 50 years of experience to work on your behalf.

Law enforcement agencies in Long Island, from the local police to federal investigators from the Drug Enforcement Administration, are actively engaged in waging the War on Drugs in our area. When you are charged with a crime as serious as trafficking or selling drugs, you may be punished with a sentence including several years in prison and thousands of dollars in fines. This is not only to deter you from a repeat offense, but also to discourage others from committing the same crime.

Drug Sales Attorney Serving Long Island

If you are contacted by investigators to come in for questioning, realize that they are not simply trying to give you a chance to explain your side of the situation-they already believe that you are guilty of distribution or sales, and are merely looking for more evidence to support a conviction. Inform them that you have retained legal representation and refer them to our office. If you have already been arrested, insist on your right to have an attorney present at all times during questioning. We may be able to defeat the charges by demonstrating that you were the victim of enticement or a sting operation, by showing that you were falsely accused or by proving that your rights were violated in the arrest, but your options for defense will be severely limited if you talk to the police and make self-incriminating statements.